A bizarre televised moment
Oh to be a duke! To wear comfy black slippers made of crushed velvet and lounge lengthwise on a small but plush sofa, custom built to be too small for me so that my legs extend over the edge, making me appear to myself larger and longer than I am, reading Daniel Robberechts, "Arriving in Avignon" then nodding off in the family bookstore, eschewing the television.
Nevertheless, there are transcendent moments in the electronic medium to be savored, not the least of which is the much anticipated appearance of an orange man, having just been declared the winner of a political contest in the United States, by a news man who not long ago was banished from the medium for lying about certain critical aspects of his journalistic endeavor, and who's since been returned to prime time to tell us the truth.
The difference between the two: one embraces the tanning lamp and the other eschews it.