Adam's math problem
If Adam gives $237,00 to the nonprofit Ark Preservation Society and $237k represents 1/2900 of Adam's net worth, pre-tax, what is Adam's net worth?
Hint: Adam lives in California, but has parked his money in off-shore accounts.
There are some people whose death is more moving than their life, as in the case of David Bowie, at least to me. His champions--and apparently he was a very decent man--say he left life as elegantly as he filled it, though to say that one fills a life seems hyperbolic, at least to me.
I'm old, old enough to see my very own subtraction sign on the horizon. Wealth accumulation is algebra, aging is simple math.
Adam's 10 years old. He does his homework from a book filled with fake little problems that have no applicability to real life. Sometimes I try help him but we always end up laughing about the situation, then go downstairs to watch "The Simpsons" or "SportsCenter" on ESPN.