The infinite stock market
All the new Pope worship is pretty much like the old Pope worship, just as old soap can be newly packaged as new improved soap and sold as such without anyone asking, "what's new about it?"
It's only new soap because it says it's new on the package, but no improvements have been made, nor could they have been, new soap being old soap, soap being soap in its essential unchangeable immutability.
Could we not celebrate Francis Bacon's "Pope" paintings as much or more than The Pope himself, whether or not this Pope is new, which he cannot be, never mind the packaging.
Would we not be better off, really, delving into Bacon's blasphemous iconography, into the dark recesses of a human scream than into the stylized symbolism of highly-scripted state visits made by a man who wears a white dress paired with red shoes?
We are destined for delusion, it's become endless, we can't live without it, whether packaged as Catholicism or Christian Science.