So-and-so says, "I'm a good Christian."
Is the word "good" necessary, considering so-and-sos designation of himself as Christian?
The phrase, "I'll sleep when I'm dead" is problematical, but certain people can be heard saying it frequently.
No, when you're sleeping you're not dead and when you're dead you're not sleeping.
Any predetermined lingual movement is cliché, which explains why so many people are using the word, 'whatnot,' which is not the word they think it is.
The way most people use the word 'whatnot' is as a word that explains everything they can't explain, when the word 'whatnot' is actually a noun that means a stand of shelves meant to hold bric-a-brac.
Out walking today along the bluffs just south of San Francisco, I came across a plant I'd never seen before and decided to call it, 'whatnot.'