In Celebration of On Kawara

A really good mission in life is to keep track of time.

Keeping track of time really does work in every conceivable human situation.

Not like On Kawara however--he's already done that--but to keep track of time in your own life and in your own way so that you become who you really are.

To become exactly who he was On Kawara made a picture every day of the actual date of the day, placing the date on a solid color of his choice, though sometimes choosing a slightly textured background to place the day on.

He did this for years, wherever he was as the time-- NYC, Tokyo, Rome, Helsinki, LA.

It really worked for On. He became an international art figure, with retrospectives of his work staged toward the end of his life in major museums around the world.

Sadly, there hasn't been a new On Kawara painting for over a year.

On Kawara died June, 28, 2014, one year ago today.

A good use of life, keeping track of time.

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