Screen door, studio building

Most times when I'm taking a picture I have to wait until what I'm seeing comes to me.

What comes to me could be the thing I'm taking a picture of, it could be my camera, or it could be me.

Something's usually wrong with the picture at first, blurry, out of focus, not at all what I thought I was seeing. And then, instantly and forever, it's not wrong, then I see what I see is what I'm looking at, sharp and clear for the moment, and I take the picture.

The best pictures are the ones I go back to take because they made such an impression when I first saw them, and when I go back, if nothing's changed, I take the picture. The danger, of course, is that things have changed once I've gone back, or the image that made such an impression on me has disappeared.

I'm no photographer, but this is how photography looks to me.

I sit inside the studio building in Wyoming for long periods of time, writing. Nobody really knows I'm here, I like it that way. If the weather's nice, I keep the screen door open.

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