August 30
Happy birthday to astrological signs, and every positive projection.
Happy birthday to William Blake's single grain of sand.
Happy birthday to capitalism and socialism.
Happy birthday to the locomotive, the boxcar, and the caboose.
Happy birthday to the perfectly struck 5-iron and the white Titleist soaring toward the flagstick.
Happy birthday to real feelings, and their pretty little faces.
Happy birthday to civilization and its discontents. Happy birthday to Sigmund Freud.
Happy birthday to your favorite song.
Happy birthday to Peets coffee and artisanal gin.
Happy birthday to my children and their grandchildren
Happy birthday to Yves Klein and his blue can of blue paint.
Happy birthday to each and every bicycle, and to all their two wheels.
Happy birthday to Modernism and to the joys of being misunderstood.
Happy birthday to The Great Salt Lake, and to the man who stopped his car beside it yesterday and took a picture.