Russian face
There's no such thing as a typical Russian face, yet each face is memorable as each looks like it's been made for its very own life.
Russians aren't into smiling but they're quite accommodating, even kind, considering Russians live in an essentially Christian country that doesn't like being pushed around but will find a way to live--or die--with the world being the way it is.
Seeing Russian faces in Russia I can see the tremendous struggle between meglomania and humility that rages within every human being, and have it all for myself.
If there's a difference between being a sociopath and exercising one's legitimate will to power it's expressed by the image of Vladimir Lenin, whose image is still displayed in parks and other public places throughout the city of St. Petersburg.
Kazimir Malevich, Russian suprematist painter, believed art should liberate itself of any content expressed through the object and operate instead as pure form, an idea that seems as harsh today as it must have in 1917.