
As I'm now offended by almost everyone and everything, except family members and close friends, whose offenses are always forgiven, I'm most often offended by people my own age who I don't know and wouldn't want to if I did.

I'm especially offended by the Clinton's, as they represent the values of a country I've grown to distrust and therefore no longer recognize, a country ruled by a deceptive center that favors wealth and privilege in the guise of assisting the poor.

I'm basically a young man still living in Berkeley in the early 1970's, running up and down Telegraph Avenue throwing rocks at plate glass windows after Nixon bombed Haiphong Harbor.

I still don't know how life actually works, so I pretty much make it up.

I know I came of age in the age of transition--when one's aspiration changed from wanting to be in a rock-and-roll band to wanting to be a star chef in a restaurant in The Mission.

And that I became neither.

My life now is mostly based on what I can live without, and going on from there.

Whatever politics I might presently possess are based on the belief that every man (and woman) has in him the idea of perfection, which is the idea of grace, and that he is born with this idea.

Women more so, it goes without saying.

And that people dying in a movie are much different than people dying in real life.

I still have faith that my own personal, individual satellite, launched August 30, 1950, is orbiting in the depths of outer space and that someday I'll look up late at night and be awake enough to see it.

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