Happiness, a self portrait

As you age you control time more; that is, you are less controlled by time in terms of having to do things you wouldn't ordinarily have to do and doing things instead on your own behalf.

You can think about things like justice, why the just man always seems more on the edge, more anxious than the unjust man.

The point is, you don't have to hurry and the older you are the less you have to hurry. Hurrying feels wrong, like death must feel.

As you age, your imagination can fail over and over again until you come up with something that looks just like you imagined it.

You can stop along the way to wherever you're going and take a picture of whatever it is that catches your eye with a camera you've made all by yourself out of the black notebook you keep in your back pocket and a small red tape measure you found on the chair.

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