Rest in peace

Being misunderstood is the mantra.

It begins in childhood, but you'll never really know when it begins.

The first time you're aware of it you're watching the clouds go by and you begin to know that being misunderstood is the core, the center of your life, and that it could never be different, no matter where are you are or what you do.

Yes, that seems about right, you were sitting by the window in a cabin in the mountains, watching the clouds go by. The rest of the family were in a different room, they were all together, talking and laughing, playing games.

It's winter. You're all alone by the window, right where you want to be, watching the clouds and hoping there's enough water in them for snow. You're still just a kid, just barely old enough to die. It doesn't matter what grand plan you have for your life, other than watching the clouds pass by and hoping there's snow in them.

If you don't fight it, the feeling of being misunderstood can be so freeing. Every word that comes out of you then becomes literature, something a god could listen to, and gods know everything. When you don't fight it you wonder why you ever held things back. What good did it do to hold things back, to fight your extremes, to withhold yourself from expressing what you'd never understand?

Yes, you'll always be misunderstood, no matter what you say. Being misunderstood is central to your identity, you were born to be misunderstood. It doesn't mean your life's a mistake, it only means you were born to be misunderstood, that being misunderstood is what gives your life meaning.

Brooks RoddanComment