Sponge Bob Square Pants

Like almost everyone else, I know somebody who knows somebody.

I follow him for a while until he turns into a she, and then I'm on my own.

Now I really have to pay attention.

I see that most human beings are in actual conflict with their own rationality and are therefore unable to affirm their essential being, and that I'm one of these beings.

Real people are really ridiculous, especially when they try to be that which they are not. At least this is the way people appear to me on television.

After all the noise, the struggle, the chase scenes, I come to a crossroads where I don't want anybody else, I just want me.

During the commercial, when the children can't see me, I pray to understand my life and the life of others.

It's then I know what the problem is.

It's when I love someone more than they love me.

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