Week in review
The birds squawked. At first it sounded like the opening riffs of Junior Walker's, "Shotgun." Then whatever it was that excited them went away, and the quietness of the Presidio returned to normal.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech, after being introduced by her husband, Bill, who'd given a longer speech. In it, she supported the bill allowing Louis Vuitton to burn all unsold handbags and other logo'd merchandise at the end of the fiscal year. Upon conclusion, Hillary supporters threw their "I Love Big Data" buttons into the air in delirium.
Twitter announced it's remaking itself, and was featured in the business section of the New York Times.
A new US space capsule, delivered in a timely fashion to NASA headquarters at Cape Canaveral, Florida, is expected to be launched early next month for an unmanned test-flight to the moon.
Snow covered the mountain states of the west, closing roads and creating havoc with airline schedules. Wyoming was especially hard hit, with rumors flying that elk season might be canceled.
A bird called the rock ptarmigan turns white in the winter, in order to be camouflaged from predators. Different species of the rock ptarmigan exist on every continent, though I've only seen one.
And it was in Wyoming.