Long range anti-ship missiles

This morning, the great circle of life is wobbly.

Inside it the new Republican rulers, unaware it was their party that created the EPA, are making plans.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, KY) is pressing the elevator button, though we're not allowed to see whether he's pushed UP or DOWN. Sen. John Barrasso (R, WY) and Sen. John Cornyn (R, TX) stand by the elevator door to make sure the door closes and that their colleague has pushed the right button.

No one knows what's happening or what will happen, but many meetings will be convened.

Somewhere in the White House, Obama is in conference with Putin. In a deft phrase, Barack invokes Afghanistan. Vladimir
blanches, clearly stung by the memory of the unsuccessful Soviet invasion. The two 'leaders' sign a secret pact in which the US allows the Russian leader to continue his weird little pavane in exchange for both the first and second picks in next year's NBA draft.

Somewhere in the skies over America, Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles, launched by a B-1 bomber, are being tested. The missiles are designed to maneuver without human control. In the industry they're known as "fire and forget" weapons, able to distinguish targets by virtue of artificial intelligence.

Brooks RoddanComment