Rand Paul
There's a temptation to believe this generation's not reaping what it's sown. The truth, in black-and-white, is far stranger: this generation's over reaped and under sown.
It's not the first time we've gained credence by being simplistic beyond belief, and it won't be the last, but still it's disturbing to see a visage so distorted by simplicity take the platform and say so many banal things--many of them offered up in the name of common sense--to the squealing delight of an audience made up of contemporaries, fellow citizens, us.
A person confusing government with free enterprise, and vice versa, becomes many people, becomes a movement, becomes what is furthest from the minds of preceding generations that created the country in the image and likeness of citizens just like us. We can't help but be citizens, clap our hands and stomp our feet, having so much more than we need, fearing that it will all be taken away from us.