The flight path of morons

We're really not meant to soar, we're meant to stick to the bottom and stay there.

Disappointment seems to be the new national mood, as in "I'm very disappointed in you."

"Mindful", gosh how we would love that word, be mindful of this and mindful of that, as if the mind hadn't caused all these problems in the first place.

In the far north, Swedes are looking for submarines that don't exist, hoping to revive the Cold War. And down south, our little Republicans, only slightly smaller, less lovable, and just a tad more stupid than our little Democrats, look like they'll capture Congress by winning the votes of the "anxious dispossessed", as described by Richard Hofstadter in his landmark book, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics."

At this point, what do you do with literature? The only country that could save us with its ideas and its books is Greece, and look at the shape the Greeks are in.

Speaking of books, what's wrong with burning them? That it's bad policy to burn books is such an old superstition. Books burned by intelligent, well read, liberal humanists is a perfectly good, sustainable, environmentally correct solution to a world over-populated by printed material.

A political conscience can now be obtained at the tattoo studio, which abound in both urban and rural environments. The truly enlightened have their ears and tongue's pierced; some go so far as to drill round holes in their earlobes for extra tribal status, becoming Boddhisatva.

Deferred maintenance may be the best way to describe the nations' posture towards the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; the Right takes advantage of things, invoking God and Big Money, and the Left whines about Supreme Court appointees and the Right; the Right is sociopathic and the Left has penis envy.

Whatever. "Under a bad cloak there's often a good drinker," acc. Cervantes, and plenty of Lite beer.

Brooks RoddanComment