My thoughts on social media

The thing about social media is that I feel I'm being manipulated all the time.

It's no wonder Capitalists are enthralled with it, as it's become another way to create income right under our noses without us knowing it's our income that's being taken away in its creation.

I've noticed for instance that Facebook is trying too hard these days. The solicitations--you have more friends than you know, see who liked your page etc.--are far more frequent, making the consumer in me a little suspicious.

Clearly it knows more than I know, which I suppose is the algorithm upon which it operates. In any case there's very little memorability involved.

Somebody asked me yesterday what I thought the difference was between receiving an image via written word versus receiving an image via film. I said that one was like seeing things from a train window and the other from an airplane. I tend to remember things that I've read far longer than things I've seen on film, though the things I've seen on film are beginning to outnumber the things I've read.

I'd rather travel by train, but it's best to walk. I see much more when I walk, I can walk and take notes on my iPhone at the same time, then send a text and keep walking all at once.

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