Teapots by Lea Ann

A teapot can make you feel good, even if you don't drink tea.

Three teapots can make you feel exceptionally happy, even if there's nothing inside them.

Four teapots may be too many, and one teapot may not be enough.

Two teapots are better than one, but not as good as three.

Every household should have three teapots--one to look at, one to think about, one to drink tea from.

Three is not a perfect number, but three teapots by Lea Ann are perfect in both their perfection and their imperfection.

A well-made teapot shines so deeply from its inner being that it can keep your hands and your eyes warm, if you let it, whether or not you drink tea. 

(ps: There will be a show of teapots--functional and whimsical--at the Berkeley Potters Studio in September. Visit the studio website at


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