The news this morning about record CO2 levels takes our breath away.

It's remarkable how we can see each other but can't see ourselves.

One idea would be to create a Department of Introspection, or to create a new post and confer upon it status equal to the Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense.

How introspective though could a corporation be? For the notion of introspection to work for the social good, introspection must be required, thought of as a sort of tax or other real obligation, and practiced by the Individual and the Collective.

It's certainly time to initiate The Department of Common Sense, an idea I had some years ago and officially proposed to Bill Clinton when he was President.

Yannis Ritsos, the late Greek Poet, thought of poetry as a "revenge on reality."

It's our job now not to escape reality but to be rooted in it.

Why don't the birds say anything? The fish? We all share this planet. Can't they speak up?

CO2 is a crayon a child is holding. It colors the tops of the hills across the bay as the sun goes down.

Brooks RoddanComment