Ezra Pound

Turkey vulture tracks yesterday on Limantour Beach at Point Reyes.

Couldn't tell if they were going backwards or forwards, toward the ocean or toward the hills.

Weren't sure the tracks were turkey vulture, but pretty sure.

There were five of us--me, Lea Ann, Tasha, Spencer, Tray--4 adults and one child walking the beach.

We had the beach to ourselves and because we had the beach to ourselves we had the ocean, the hills, the sky, the sun to ourselves as well. We had ourselves to ourselves.

At or near the beginning of Hugh Kenner's, The Pound Era, Kenner makes the claim that writing came to the Chinese from the tracks birds made in the sand, a claim someone else made and Kenner reinterated for the purpose of claiming that Pound brought Chinese poetry to America.

Tray, 3, asked me if dinosaurs were still living, having seen a dinosaur the day before at the California Academy of of Sciences in Golden Gate Park.

Well, a lot of people think birds are descended from dinosaurs, I said.

I told Tray he didn't have to be afraid, that the huge dinosaurs like the one he'd seen at the museum were no longer on the earth, having either been made extinct by climate change or a meteroite.

Tray got hungry near the end of our walk. Thinking like a adult, I told him that Cheetos, the "playfully mischievous cheesy crunch that add a little lighten-up moment to any day" came after dinosaurs in the evolutionary process and that when we made it back to the car we'd get something to eat.

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