Susan Collins, Republican
I had this thought yesterday: Republicans are either stupid or evil.
I knew immediately it was a worthwhile thought and explained a lot of what's happening in our country right now, at least to me.
It made sense in an instinctual if not rhetorical kind of way.
In the same way that thinking of Barack Obama as inherently conservative, a technocrat serving the interests of the empire within a narrowly conscripted sphere while appearing to be inclusive and to represent values much different than those in the best interests of the established power he actually represents, makes sense.
When I think of Barack Obama as a Republican I am happy, and when I think of Barack Obama as a Democrat I am sad.
When I think of Susan Collins, a Republican Senator from Maine, I don't quite know what to think.
Listening to Susan Collins speak the other night as I did, I don't think Susan Collins is stupid. She's probably more stupid than she is evil, though she might be masking the evil by appearing to be stupid in somewhat the same way Barack Obama masks his conservatism by appearing to be liberal.
It's more common for Republicans to be either stupid or evil these days than for Democrats. Democrats are not quite one or the other, or if they're one they're only one, while Republicans can be both at the same time which is really quite disturbing, though it may be a good sign for the future.