The road
It's a really good day for reading Heidegger, so I won't.
I've done that on days like this and it didn't work. Heidegger's the one who said Being had come to be forgotten in our new world, and that's the last thing I want to think about.
Tu Fu, what would Tu Fu do? Tu Fu would either write a poem or scratch his head.
There's still a little snow on the ground from yesterday, but most of the snow has moved higher up the mountain since last night when it first came down from the sky.
Last night I heard coyote's singing on the other side of the ridge. They sounded really happy, like they'd killed something, like they'd done something really good for themselves.
On my walk this morning down to the river from the cabin and back up from the river to the cabin, I found a plastic bottle of Mountain Dew by the side of the road.
It was so green and so empty that it had turned white.