Information and misinformation

I'd thought it was, "Rich people are poor people with money" and not as pictured here, embroidered prominently into the back rest of a chair in a Portland, Oregon elementary school, and that it was something George Orwell had written.

I believe I'm right on both counts, though I was pleased to see the sentiment in such a public place, even sans attribution, and to think that someday soon my granddaughter Grace, just learning to read at this very school, might read it there and become as invested in its spirit as I'd become since first reading it.

Orwell's statement is a great leveler, as is Noam Chomsky's: remember, the first job of every government is to control its own population.

I'm grateful to my friend Dan De Vries of San Francisco for sending along a piece on reader supported news, "How the US Press Lost its Way" by Robert Parry and which may be read here:

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