
I can hear fog much better than I can see it.

I listen to the fog when I can't sleep, which is quite often these days for some reason. For some reason I'm not sleeping much, though I have far fewer reasons for not sleeping now than I did in the past when I didn't sleep much either.

Late at night when I'm sleepless, I hear Arthur Dove making foghorns. He's in his studio, putting paint on his masterpiece. He likes his first foghorn painting so much he begins another. As foghorns don't sound alike, each has its own timbre and identity, Arthur Dove makes a number of foghorn paintings.

I think of fog as something fixed and fluid, something able to be something once and then twice. When I look into the fog I can't see beyond what I'm seeing. When I look at the foghorn paintings of Arthur Dove the sound of the foghorns do all my seeing for me.

Brooks RoddanComment