President Romney
When you say something out loud it becomes real, at least more real than if you hadn't said it at all.
When I say 'President Romney', I can see Mitt Romney in the lunch room of The Supreme Court having a ham sandwich with John Roberts and Antonin Scalia, talking about the constitutionality of Roe v. Wade and the possibility of widening the power of Citizens United to include offshore corporations. I can see four more years, possibly eight, of what seems to be little more of and almost certainly not any less than a continuation of the eight Bush years (2000-2008).
I can't see much more than that, it's all kind of vague, but I'm almost positive that with Mitt Romney as President the USA will continue to have a very strong military that fights very hard on behalf of the middle-class; support Israe,l while working diligently for world peace; and fulfill the great Republican notion of American exceptionalism by simultaneously invoking severe economic sanctions on China and opening new trade routes to Bolivia and Ecaudor.
When I say President Romney', I can see the humor in it but it makes me very sad.