Berkeley Potters' Studio

We could get to like things we know nothing about, and like even more things we can't do ourselves.

The work of Maija Williams, shown here from an exhibition currently on view at Leslie Ceramics in Berkeley of the work of artist's who work out of the Berkeley Potters' Studio, is such a thing.

I'm not sure what it means, but I like what it's saying.

I want to look at it from all sides, and then look at it again.

The pieces come apart and Maija might adjust them to fit a certain mood--such as the foot at the base of the piece--but then again she might not, she might leave it alone, just the way it is.

Whatever the case, the thing Maija's made is all up to me, it's either art or it isn't art, strangely meaningful to me since I can't make such a thing and since I don't really know what it means.

Maija's piece compelled me to take a picture of it, as did the things of so many others in the show.

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