Clement near 4th
The present is always on time and looking around for things to do, even if it is a little sleepy.
Sunday, nearer PM than AM, which means it is already yesterday.
The line outside Burma Superstar has disappeared; the multitude it fed are now fast asleep or just waking up.
The Giants lost again, it wasn't even close.
Today's now today and has decided to go on holiday. The weather is not quite nice and not quite nasty. Just nice enough to sit outside in shorts and sandals, wearing a NorthFace parka over a Patagonia hoodie to stay warm and sift through the Chronicle for Scott Ostler.
The beer's on sale up the street at The Bitter End, the books are out in front of Green Apple and the duck at the little take-out place at the corner of Clement and 10th is falling off its delicate little bones.
Today walks along Clement just to walk along, walking along in a world worth waiting for.