Birth of a star: Junker debuts in Fairfax

"Hi, my name is Howard, and I'm an editor."

Thus commenced the new career of the founder and longtime editor of litmag ZYZZYVA as novelist when he took his show on the road and read the very tasty "Editors Anonymous" from the intro to his first book, An Old Junker (IF SF, summer 2011) before an adoring mob of Marin County scenesters at Peri's in Fairfax.

Thoughtful not to exceed the 5 minutes allotted each reader, keeping close watch on the alarm of his iPhone, Junker read from the galleys of the forthcoming book, which one critic has already described as 'strange and marvelous, a blognovel, a proto-memoir, a coming-of-old-age novel, a tech manual..."

Junker exited the stage to tumultous applause, with :18 seconds remaining in his time slot.

An Old Junker will be issued this summer.