thanks for what's given

Thanks for the road between Mendocino and Cloverdale, where this picture was taken just before 8 a.m. this morning.

And for John Muir who, during a storm, would climb a redwood tree, strap himself to a tree limb with his belt and scream, "I love God" at the top of his lungs though there was never anyone around to hear him.

Thanks for not being disappointed by what you didn't get, and for being happy that you got what you needed.

It's about time you know that it's ok not to know, that not knowing is the point, that those who claim to know know even less than you know.

This morning, the one that started just before 8 a.m., started ages ago and woke up wondering where it was. When it walked to the window, the sun was shining, the ocean was still there as were the rocks and the trees, when only yesterday they seemed not to have existed. 

Thanks for the redwood trees, dripping with last night's rain, and the first sunshine for four days; thanks again for the road, named Highway 128. And may the last twenty miles you travel last forever.

Brooks RoddanComment