editorial decisions

The brain wants to find something wrong more than it wants to find something right.

There's always a misprint on the menu or the label on the winebottle. Look at either long enough and you'll find at least one.

"Stand porter at the door of thought," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science wrote in her opus, Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures.

Metaphysical thinking presumes a problem with the body, as poetry does with prose and prose with poetry. Good writing is sometimes nothing more than clear thinking and clear thinking can be such a pleasure to read.

The restaurant is nice, the weather pleasant, the waiter has taken our order and the white wine chills in a silver bucket.

And a discussion about the timeliness of Herman Melville's Bartleby the Scrivner, and Melville's sly subtitle, A Story of Wall Street, as issued in the handsome volume by Melville House Publishing (2008), may ensue.

Brooks RoddanComment